MBS Fundraiser

By Iain Campbell

MBS Fundraiser

The MBS fundraiser is an event organised by some of the year 5 students at St Therese Primary school.

With next to no help from grown ups, the kids have organised the event, built a website, made products to sell, arranged a raffle, activities snacks and drinks. 

Pretty cool to see a bunch of 10 year olds be so giving of their time. 

Let's get behind this and help them smash their goal.  We will be at the park on the 24th if you want to stop by, or if you would like to donate please do so. 

I'm sure many of us have needed the Children's hospital at one point or another, so it is definitely a worthy cause. 

Thank you everyone for their support. 

I'm holding an event to raise funds for Sydney Children's Hospitals Foundation!

Join me and raise money to support an amazing organisation.

Sydney Children’s Hospitals Foundation supports Australia's leading paediatric health services, offering a safe and friendly healing environment for children from NSW and beyond. Every dollar we raise contributes to keeping our hospitals running at a world class, award-winning level.

That’s why I’ve chosen to raise much needed funds for the Sydney Children's Hospitals Foundation. Thank you for your support!

Thank you to my Supporters




Steven Lyon

Well done to Sophia.








Andres Garzon

Great work Sophia!




Andrew Hall

Congrats to your little girl she is doing an a job!


Richard Bowman &co

How absolutely heart warming that your daughter and her friends are motivated to initiate this


Shelli Mcalpine

Great job on organizing this


Tommy Lim + Sf Capital Team

All the best in your fundraiser Sophia! A great cause!


Stuart Wilmot


Gerald Chow


Jack Lee


Risto Doneski


Leading Business Solutions

Well done on your fundraiser!!


Archie & Zac

Love your work Sophia ♥️


Tom Etherington

Nice work Sophia!


Eden Connell

Well done!!



