Our Significant Supporters
We are a community of unstoppable changemakers – the ambitious instigators of an exciting new revolution in kids’ health. A single force of 70,000 people, who’ve come together to help sick kids, no matter where, no matter what.
SCHF would like to recognise our significant supporters for their extraordinary commitment to changing the healthcare for all children, whenever and where they need it. By building these long-term partnerships with supporters who share our vision, it allows us to work together to make a real difference today, whilst also working to shape tomorrow. Together we are all part of something bigger.
The John Beveridge Society
Recognising our most valued supporters, this top tier of recognition has been named in honour of John Beveridge AO who was a Foundation Professor at the University of NSW and was key in the development of the Sydney Children’s Hospital, Randwick. Together with his wife Libby, the Sydney Children’s Hospitals Foundation was established, raising thousands of dollars for the Hospital and helping to nurture many enduring donor relationships.

The Royal Alexandra Society
The Sydney Hospital for Sick Children was originally established from three terrace houses in Glebe in 1880. In 1906 it became known as The Royal Alexandra Hospital and it moved to Camperdown. After 90 years of dedicated service, the Hospital was relocated once again and opened as The Children’s Hospital at Westmead in 1995 to cater for the growing population of Westmead.

Many of our donors are fierce advocates for going all in for kids’ health. The donors recognized here have demonstrated their dedication through continued support, and have reached accumulative giving levels of $5 million and above.

Donors who have reached this recognition level are vigorous supporters for championing the health and wellbeing of all children and changing the landscape of children’s healthcare, for all kids, always and have reached accumulative giving levels of $1 million and above.