Have you considered the Legacy you would like to leave behind?

30 Nov 1999

This September, SCHF is proud to be participating in Include a Charity Week (5 – 11 September 2022). This special time of year highlights the need to have an up-to-date Will that illustrates who and what is most important to you. A charitable gift provided in your Will can also leave an impactful legacy by supporting a cause that is dear to your heart.

Often when we think about our future, we consider how we want to be remembered and the impact our legacy will have on future generations. Many of our supporters, just like Kate, have chosen to leave a gift in their Will, as their legacy today, to help the children of tomorrow reach their greatest potential.

When Kate’s life partner Wal passed away, her decision to leave a gift in her Will was based on honouring Wal’s dedication to paediatrics.


“My late husband dedicated his life to caring for sick children. Throughout his working life, he mentored young doctors in training. To honour him and that commitment, I am leaving a gift in my Will to Sydney Children’s Hospitals Foundation. My intent is that this gift will continue his legacy and benefit sick children’s health and wellbeing.” – Kate.

A gift of as little as 1% in your Will can make an incredible legacy and impact the future of children’s health.

Sydney Children’s Hospitals Foundation is proud to have partnered with Gathered Here, a leading Australian online Will-writing platform. Together, we’re offering you a free, legally binding Will, with free and unlimited updates for life – which would normally cost hundreds of dollars.

If you would like to know more about leaving a gift in your Will to Sydney Children’s Hospitals Foundation, visit our website, or contact our Planned Giving team on 1800 770 122 or email bequests@schf.org.au.

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