Colin Allen

Colin Allen

Chief Philanthropy Officer

Appointed September 2021

“I am all in for kids’ health because every child deserves to have the best possible opportunities in life and that begins with having access to world-class healthcare.”

After graduating from University, Colin held sales and marketing positions with a variety of sports organizations across the UK and the US, including the Oakland Raiders and IMG. It was an experience working with a large health care network at one of these organizations that he realized his passion for working with not for profits.

Regardless of the type of organization, Colin has successfully found innovative ways to increase revenue, but always with a focus on relationships. In the not for profits space, Colin has led teams in the US and Australia. He believes in the role of philanthropy to solve problems and enjoys creating donor-centric experiences to achieve an organization’s mission.

Colin has also been a Trustee at the Ronald McDonald House in San Francisco. He holds an undergraduate degree from Bates College and an MBA from Johns Hopkins University.