Dainere's Rainbow

By Dainere's Rainbow Team

Let's Scare Brain Cancer Away This October

October is the Month to Scare Brain Cancer Away!
Some words from Jarrett about how important it is to join together to give brain cancer a scare.
"When people hear the word โ€œscaryโ€ or โ€œspookyโ€ they may first think of monsters, clowns, maybe even sharks. Or perhaps oneโ€™s mind would go to what they fear; a fear of the dark, a fear of heights, a fear of small spaces or a fear of spiders. All these things I have mentioned and more are indeed things which can easily scare people. Yet people seem to so easily overlook something so vicious and cruel in this world which is truly terrifying.
Imagine you are a child again. Now imagine persistent vomiting of a morning, poor balance and co-ordination, unexplained weight loss or gain and abnormal eye movements and blurred or double vision have all become a part of your every day. Imagine getting told by a doctor that these are all some of the symptoms of a brain tumour and that you do in fact have a brain tumour.
Imagine going through long surgeries and endless chemotherapy and radiotherapy treatments which give you both short and long-term side effects and not to forget the never-ending blood transfusions and tests. Imagine after all these treatments and procedures still being told you will not survive and that your brain tumour will be taking your life seemingly before it has even begun.
If you are like me, it is impossible to even begin to imagine what that is like. Through the 4 years Dainere battled with her brain cancer, I watched her in awe as she went through every day, no matter how bad she was feeling, with such courage, strength and always a smile on her face.
Brain tumours are the most common form of solid tumours amongst children. Brain cancer kills more children in Australia than any other disease. The survival rates for brain cancer are low and have hardly changed in over 30 years. This is what is truly terrifying. I donโ€™t think anybody could not fear the facts of childhood brain tumours. But I am not saying all this to scare you, I am here to remind everyone how important it is to raise awareness and funds for Childhood Brain Cancer.
So, if brain cancer likes to scare us, why canโ€™t we give it a scare back for once?! "

Four Devastating Words

Four devastating words changed Dainere's and our lives forever - those words were "Your child has cancer".
It takes enormous strength, courage, determination, love and hope to fight cancer and especially a cancerous childhood brain tumour. Some children are in the lucky few to survive, however they are left with numerous devastating side effects, whilst many more children lose their lives just as Dainere did.
Every child deserves a chance at a future and the only way to see an increase in survival rates for childhood brain tumours can only come through a dramatic increase in research capacity which is funded mostly by families like ours who have lost a child to this most abhorrent disease.

Continuing Dainere's Legacy

Nalani and Jarrett speak about what it is like to have a sibling with brain cancer. They are truly incredible siblings continuing Dainere's legacy in the most loving and special way.
"Fear is an unpleasant emotion caused by the threat of danger, pain or harm. It certainly is unpleasant to hear that a child could be diagnosed with something so cruelly devastating such as brain cancer. Brain cancer steals the lives of a classroom of children each year.
To know that someone so young, with still so much life left to live, is told they have a brain tumour, is unfathomable. From one day, being just a child, either at home or school, playing, laughing and enjoying life; to regularly being in hospital, away from surroundings and people they are most familiar and comfortable with, terrified beyond belief and having to grasp their life is in danger. What a shock to the system, particularly one as young as a child.
For too long, the devastation and heartbreak childhood brain cancer brings and leaves behind, has been pushed away. It is far easier to turn your back on things too terrifying and saddening than to face them head on. But in over 4 decades, there has been next to no change in survival rates for the unfortunate children diagnosed with brain tumours. It is time we change this.
Sure, brain cancer is scary subject matter, no one can deny that the disease is malevolent. But by not speaking about it and striving to create a change, brain cancer just keeps winning the battle, claiming innocent life after life, but together, we can take brain cancer down and win this war. It is time to stop letting brain cancer hide behind its mask it has been lurking beneath, wreaking havoc everywhere it goes."

24th June - A Painful Eleven Years Without Dainere

The most painful, unimaginable and unbearable day is almost upon us. Monday 24th June for it was at 7:25pm on Monday 24th June in 2013 that our most truly divine, precious, adored and beautiful Dainere died, she had her young life cruelly and unjustly stolen by brain cancer.

She inspired so many and we know that she left lasting footprints on so many hearts and lives and continues to do so every day.

We so love and miss our beautiful and beloved Dainere endlessly and so, so desperately wish she was still here with us. Brain Tumours are such a horrid, cruel, vicious and insipid disease.ย 

Young children like Dainere, who so randomly are inflicted by this disease through no fault of their own don't deserve to have to suffer. Families should not have to face a second, a minute, a day, a week, a year, a life without their child or sibling.

A cure must to be found for this disease. We will for an eternity work as tirelessly, selflessly, devotedly and passionately as Dainere did to one day see a cure found.

We would also like to honour and remember on this day all the children who too have lost their battles, those that continue to battle and those who will receive the devastating news of a brain tumour diagnosis in the future.

You can help us to continue Dainere's incredibly selfless and inspiring legacy to give hope and create change for others by doing any of the following:

1. Sharing Dainere's story and the work of Dainere's Rainbow with others to help us to elevate significant awareness in the Community and beyond.

2. Encourage family, friends and work colleagues to visit the Dainere's Rainbow website or like the Dainere's Rainbow Facebook or Instagram Page.

3. We know that during these continued difficult times, this is a massive ask, but if you are in a position to make a small donation of eleven cents or $11 (a cent or dollar for each year since Dainere had her life stolen) it would be so humbly and sincerely appreciated as 100% of all that is donated or raised by Dainere's Rainbow goes directly to vital and desperately needed research projects and programs.

Four Words That No Family Wants To Hear

Four devastating words changed Dainere's and our lives forever - those words were "Your child has cancer".
It takes enormous strength, courage, determination, love and hope to fight cancer and especially a cancerous childhood brain tumour. Some children are in the lucky few to survive, however they are left with numerous devastating side effects, whilst many more children lose their lives just as Dainere did.
Every child deserves a chance at a future and the only way to see an increase in survival rates for childhood brain tumours can only come through a dramatic increase in research capacity which is funded mostly by families like ours who have lost a child to this most abhorrent disease.

Words From a Sibling

Some important words shared by Jarrett when speaking in the Community.
"We had no idea what brain cancer meant, we just couldnโ€™t believe that something this horrible could even exist. We didnโ€™t expect it and no one knew how to react. People donโ€™t like to associate diseases with children because to think that a child is dying is simply incomprehensible.
Brain Cancer is a confronting topic but we canโ€™t afford to step away, we need to stand tall, stand together, raise our voices to educate, give knowledge and spread awareness.
I feel a sense of purpose and accomplishment through devoting my time to raising awareness and funds for childhood brain cancer. No child should suffer as I saw my little sister did."

Easter 2024

Happy Easter from the entire Dainere's Rainbow Team.

These words were written and shared by Dainere for her final Easter in 2013. We feel they are so very fitting this Easter.

"What is the real meaning of Easter?

Well, Easter is a time to celebrate the promise of life in the face of death. Easter celebrations also reflect on peace and forgiveness which has come out of aggression.

It is also a time for thinking about suffering, injustice and hardship.

The giving of eggs is an act of selflessness and hope and often a favourite part of Easter. The eggs themselves symbolise new life and are traditionally eaten on Easter Sunday.

I would like to wish everyone many blessings for Easter, may this be a time that you treasure your loved ones, think of others and appreciate life."

Future Decades of Making Difference

To honour our inspiring, selfless and beloved Dainere on her 26th Birthday and celebrating a decade of the Dainere's Rainbow Brain Tumour Research Fund, at the exact moment that Dainere was born, 6:11pm on 8th February, we are proud and humbled to announce our brand new logo and title.

This new logo is Dainere's signature, her actual handwriting and it is so special and unique. You will notice Dainere, in her signature chose an arch, representing a rainbow, the letter 'S' inย grey represents brain cancer, the word RAINBOW (which is 7 letters) is in colours of the rainbow except the 'W' which is the grey and as Dainere wished will change when a cure is found, a rainbow butterfly is also part of the new logo and is significant as butterflies live a short life unfortunately like many children diagnosed with brain cancer, butterflies are associated with beauty, life, death and loved ones.

Dainere's Rainbow Brain Tumour Research Fund is now simply and significantly Dainere's Rainbow, the scope of what we do is much more than just a research fund: it extends to awareness, fund raising, advocacy, collaboration, connection and initiatives to improve outcomes for every child in Canberra and across Australia diagnosed with brain cancer as well as important and impactful work in the areas of paediatric palliative care, grief and funeral planning.

Happy 26th Birthday extraordinary Dainere, this is your vision, your gift and your dream that will promote action, give hope and create change for others.

Give the Gift of Hope for Dainere's Birthday

Tomorrow, 8th February is our most beloved, inspiring and selfless Dainere's Birthday. Dainere should have been turning 26, however our beautiful angel remains forever 15, having her young life stolen by what is the most horrendous and indiscriminate disease; brain cancer.
Forever our hearts are broken and the pain we feel each and every day is truly indescribable. We have the most treasured and special memories and she remains in our hearts, thoughts and actions every moment of every day.
Brain cancer took away her chance to live life, to do and be all she dreamed of, to grow up and experience many wondrous things, to continue to make an enormous difference in the world or get to experience the joy of love, being an Aunty, meeting that someone special, marriage or motherhood.
Dainere always put others before herself, when she was in pain and when her disease caused her so much suffering and loss of quality of life, she would become more and more determined to fight to selflessly make a difference for others.
In honour of her Birthday we would like to ask others to consider giving a gift: that is to continue her fight, to elevate awareness of this insidious disease by sharing a fact with as many people as you possibly can.
Brain Cancer kills more children than any other disease in Australia.

Children in Canberra diagnosed with brain cancer have to travel to Sydney for surgery, treatment and other procedures and being away from family and friends.
Brain cancer has the highest total burden of disease for children and adolescents in Australia, with a cost of $1.7 million per child.
Alarmingly there have been significantly increasing trends in the incidence of Medulloblastoma, a shocking 58% increase over a thirty-five year period.
The needs of children with brain cancer in treatment, rehabilitation and end of life care are very different and particularly acute.

If anyone would like to make a donation for Dainere's Birthday perhaps $2.60 or $26 to continue her selfless, inspiring and tireless work you can do so here:

100% of all funds raised by Dainere's Rainbow goes directly to research projects and programs set up in memory of and as a legacy to Dainere that are specifically for better outcomes for children with brain cancer.
We express our deepest gratitude to each and every person who is helping to take action, give hope and create change.

Bring New Hope in 2024

May the gift of love, the gift of peace and the gift of happiness live in your heart throughout 2024. In this year may the good times and treasures of the present become the golden memories of tomorrow and may your year ahead sparkle with moments of love, laughter, contentment, joy, hope and goodwill towards others.
I believe with all my heart that everyone should go out and make the absolute most of every single day of their lives; because you don't know what is around the corner or how much time you have on this Earth, so please don't waste a single precious moment of it.
This year I have continued with what is so dear to my heart and my greatest dream and that is to contribute to helping finding a cure for childhood brain cancer. I so passionately believe that no children in the future should have to suffer as myself and so many others have with this absolutely hideous and atrocious disease.
Be true to your dreams, and keep them alive, never let anyone try to change your mind about what you feel you can achieve. Always and forever believe in yourself.
I know that tragically a cure for this most cruel and devastating disease will not be found in my lifetime and my time is rapidly running out. When I am no longer here I encourage and hope that many people will raise their voices in the community to significantly elevate desperately needed awareness of this truly painful, debilitating, lethal and cruel disease.
Raising awareness is vital to then raising funds, which are so critically needed and then one day my greatest wish of greater awareness, new and improved treatment options, increased funding, no more children suffering and a cure will become a reality.
Look for me in rainbows shining in the sky, wish me to be near you and I'll be by your side."
Words by Dainere in 2013

Give The Greatest Gift of All This Christmas - Hope

These are Dainere's wise and powerful words to inspire you for Christmas 2023.

The lead up to Christmas is a busy time, a time where we sometimes forget the important things in life in the rush to shop and party. If we stop for a while, remember to smile, to be considerate, patient, tolerant , respectful and caring then we can make a persons day bright. If we can take the time to reach out to give to others rather than expecting to receive then our hearts are set alight with love, hope and joy" ~ Dainere Anthoney 1998-2013

We know the past years have been financially difficult for so many, so please know that any small donation brings a mountain of hope for children diagnosed with brain cancer in Canberra and across Australia.

A Selfless Act to Help Others

Just a few weeks before Dainere tragically and cruelly died fromย  brain cancer, she wrote this:

"This week I have mostly slept, I have not been able to attend school for normal lessons at all. I have done a little work from home though when I can manage to keep my weary eyes open.

On Tuesday however I was determined to go for a special presentation that had been planned from last Term. Jarrett, Nalani and I were doing a special presentation to Senior School on Brain Cancer.

We began with an introduction and then showed an exceptional movie that Jarrett had made on paediatric cancer and he also investigated my cancer as part of it. We then showed a power point containing important and startling facts about Brain Cancer, we even had music to accompany it to make it more effective.

Nalani read some passages from my first book, followed by some information about my treatment and side effects. We then spoke about the awareness and fundraising that I am so extremely passionate about.

Nalani reminded people that it is through raising awareness and funds that other cancers no longer have the high fatality rates they used to. She emphasised that if more awareness and funds are raised about Brain Cancer, then perhaps the same results could be achieved.

Jarrett and I also shared about our very special and meaningful City2Surf initiative which we hope to raise a phenomenal amount of funds and awareness through. Every dollar and every time someone talks to others about childhood brain cancer can make an enormous impact and difference.

I know that a cure will not be found in my lifetime, but I hoped that through the presentation that people would go out in the community and continue to raise awareness and funds so that one day my greatest wish of a cure being found will actually become a reality and no children will have to face the same battle, excruciating pain and suffering that I have".

Dainere was in excruciating pain despite being on morphine and other medications at this stage, she could not sit up very well, her speech was beginning to slur and she was terribly weak and fragile.

The fact that she found an inner strength to advocate to raise awareness on that day is a testimony to her courage, selflessness, tireless and passionate efforts to raise awareness and her desire to make a difference, this day she was truly inspiring.

Childhood Cancer Awareness Month - Turn September Golden

Today is the first day of Childhood Cancer Awareness Month.
These are inspiring and selfless words shared by Dainere:
"In our lives we often underestimate the true power of a smile, a touch, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment and the act of just simply caring. These all have the potential to turn a life around; tomorrow and everyday take the time to reach out and change a life".
We would like to invite you to be part of working towards a more prominent and widespread Golden September 2023 for Childhood Cancer by continuing to elevate awareness about Childhood Cancer and especially brain cancer within the Community each and every day.
This is a very special project that Dainere requested and one that we hope will reach far and wide and beyond all expectations....... 'Pot of Gold' for Childhood Cancer.
At the end of every rainbow is a pot of gold and from today you can be a rainbow of hope in the lives of children diagnosed with cancer...... start saving gold coins and collect them in your 'Pot of Gold' all the way through this month until 30th September 2023 and then make an online donation.

Your 'Pot of Gold' will go a very long way in working towards the most precious gift in this world.....the reality of a cure!

Raising Awareness Needs To Be Done Every Day

It is essential to raise awareness 365 days a year, as children are each day being diagnosed, are fighting brain cancer, the treatments and effects and tragically many are losing their lives.
These are Dainere's words, she was continually determined, dedicated and extremely selfless in her passionate and tireless efforts to make a difference, we hope that many in the Community will follow her advocacy and work to see the eradication of childhood brain tumours.
"My life goal is to do as much as I can to make a difference. A cure will not be found in my lifetime but my wish is that others will continue my lead to ensure that no children in the future will have to suffer as many others and myself have had to.
In a world where there is so much advancement, my heart breaks to know that there is no screening tests for early detection for a brain tumour, there are very few advancements in treatments, the treatments themselves are harsh and cause life long cruel side effects, funding is minimal for the impact of this disease and there is no cure. This is just so very wrong".

24th June - Ten Years Since Dainere's Final Breath

Saturday is a day of most unimaginable, deep heartache and loss for our family, for it was on Monday 24th June in 2013 that our most truly divine, precious, adored and beautiful Dainere had her young life cruelly stolen by brain cancer.

She inspired so many and we know that she left lasting footprints on so many hearts and lives and continues to do so every day.

We so love and miss our beautiful and beloved Dainere endlessly and so, so desperately wish she was still here with us. Brain Tumours are such a horrid, cruel, vicious and insipid disease.ย 

Young children like Dainere, who so randomly are inflicted by this disease through no fault of their own don't deserve to have to suffer. Families should not have to face a second, a minute, a day, a week, a year, a life without their child or sibling.

A cure must to be found for this disease. We will for an eternity work as tirelessly, selflessly, devotedly and passionately as Dainere did to one day see a cure found.

We would also like to honour and remember on this day all the children who too have lost their battles, those that continue to battle and those who will receive the devastating news of a brain tumour diagnosis in the future.

You can help us to continue Dainere's incredibly selfless and inspiring legacy to give hope and create change for others by doing any of the following:

1. Sharing Dainere's story and the work of Dainere's Rainbow with others to help us to elevate significant awareness in the Community and beyond.

2. Encourage family, friends and work colleagues to visit the Dainere's Rainbow website or like the Dainere's Rainbow Facebook or Instagram Page.

3. We know that during these continued difficult times, this is a massive ask, but if you are in a position to make a small donation of ten cents or $10 (a cent or dollar for each year since Dainere had her life stolen) it would be so humbly and sincerely appreciated as 100% of all that is donated or raised by Dainere's Rainbow goes directly to vital and desperately needed research projects and programs.

The Unimaginable

The 24th of March......a date that will forever remain imprinted in our lives; a turbulent, devastating and life changing day.

On this particular day in 2009, after a visit to the paediatrician, then being rushed to the Canberra Hospital for an emergency MRI and to witness a sea of worried faces behind a glass screen.

Then the serious and poignant words from the medical staffโ€ฆ..โ€we need to talkโ€โ€ฆโ€ฆ

We walked slowly, shakily, and anxiously down a long, long corridor and into a room, where three solemn and worried faces of the medical team ushered us in and beckoned us to sit. They all looked at each other and before speaking took a long, slow, deep breath.

Our attention was drawn to a round coffee table and on the middle of the table there was a single box of tissues, nothing else, just the tissue box.......this image has remained embedded so clearly in our minds, it remains so vivid even still today.

Then with empathy, we were informed that our most adored and beloved youngest daughter and sister had a brain tumour.

We did not know what type it was. All we were told was that it was life threatening, it was extremely large, it had deposited several metastasis spread to other areas in her brain and it was blocking the cerebrospinal fluid from flowing around her spinal cord and brain. It was not good and they urgently had to get her to Sydney or we could lose her that night.

On this day we stepped from a life filled with normal routines, happiness, hopes and dreams into the most unimaginable, terrifying nightmare that any family could experience. It what was not only devastating, soul destroying and heartbreaking, it was in many ways so surreal, a total blur.

Dainere needed to get to Sydney Childrenโ€™s Hospital as soon as possible for emergency brain surgery............ Life would never, ever be the same again and we were thrown into a world that no family should ever be.

Since Dainere's diagnosis more children each year are being diagnosed with brain cancer and we have been told this is in line with population growth.

Also, tragically despite the devoted work of many researchers and families who do not want any other family to have to face the shear pain of losing a child to this disease there is still, every year in excess of an entire classroom of precious and innocent children that have their lives and futures stolen by what remains the number one disease killer of children in Australia. This is not well known, it is confronting, it is terrifying but it is something that needs people to raise their voices about in the Community.

Dainere worked so tirelessly, selflessly and devotedly to raise an awareness of childhood brain tumours. Her words of "My little voice can only make a small difference, but together many voices could create change" are a plea for many to unite together to take action, give hope and create change.

You each and every day can shine a rainbow of hope by adding your voice and help to be an advocate to elevate much needed awareness of childhood brain tumours within the Community; in memory of every single child that has battled, lost their life, continues to battle or who will be diagnosed in the future.

Give The Gift of Hope For What Should Have Been Dainere's 25th Birthday

Tomorrow, 8th February is our most beloved, inspiring and selfless Dainere's Birthday. Dainere should have been turning 25, however our beautiful angel remains forever 15, having her young life stolen by what is the most horrendous and indiscriminate disease; brain cancer.
Forever our hearts are broken and the pain we feel each and every day is truly indescribable. We have the most treasured and special memories and she remains in our hearts, thoughts and actions every moment of every day.
Brain cancer took away her chance to live life, to do and be all she dreamed of, to grow up and experience many wondrous things, to continue to make an enormous difference in the world or get to experience the joy of love, being an Aunty, meeting that someone special, marriage or motherhood.
Dainere always put others before herself, when she was in pain and when her disease caused her so much suffering and loss of quality of life, she would become more and more determined to fight to selflessly make a difference for others.
In honour of her Birthday we would like to ask others to consider giving a gift: that is to continue her fight, to elevate awareness of this insidious disease by sharing a fact with as many people as you possibly can.
Brain Cancer kills more children than any other disease in Australia.
Children in Canberra diagnosed with brain cancer have to travel to Sydney for surgery, treatment and other procedures and being away from family and friends.
Brain cancer has the highest total burden of disease for children and adolescents in Australia.
Alarmingly there have been significantly increasing trends in the incidence of Medulloblastoma, a shocking 58% increase over a thirty-five year period.
The needs of children with brain cancer in treatment, rehabilitation and end of life care are very different and particularly acute.
If anyone would like to make a donation for Dainere's Birthday perhaps $2.50 or $25 to continue her selfless, inspiring and tireless work you can do so here.
100% of all funds raised by Dainere's Rainbow goes directly to research projects and programs set up in memory of and as a legacy to Dainere that are specifically for better outcomes for children with brain tumours.
We express our deepest gratitude to each and every person who is helping to take action, give hope and create change.

Giving for 2023

'Giving' - Dainere continually opened her heart in the act of giving to others.
So our mission into 2023 is to 'give' to others, to give a knowledge of the disease that does not discriminate, the disease that takes the lives of young babies, children, teenagers, young adults, adults in the prime of their lives and older people.
By 'giving' a knowledge of brain cancer we hope that it will then have people sharing and talking about a disease that needs to receive an elevation of attention to create change.
1. When a child dies from brain cancer, each death means the loss of what should be their entire lifetime.
2. If a child survives brain cancer they face serious medical complications, secondary cancers, cognitive impairments, debilitating disabilities and shortened lifespans.
3. There are paediatric brain tumours, like DIPG that are terminal upon diagnosis. Recurrent Medulloblastoma has long been considered universally fatal.
4. It can be difficult to treat paediatric brain cancer with chemotherapy drugs because the brain is protected by the blood brain barrier. This is a natural filter within the body. It only allows certain substances through from the blood to the brain tissues. So this limits the options of the type of chemotherapy that can be used or it means that the chemotherapy has to be delivered at shockingly high dose which cause devastating side effects.
Dainere gave so much to help others, we continue her inspirational legacy, she said that her little voice could only make a small difference but together many voices could create change.
Many voices are needed so that the facts presented above will indeed change.
We wish to express our heartfelt gratitude to those who are helping to shine a light out of the darkness by sharing, talking and giving knowledge to others about paediatric brain cancer and to those who donate or raise vital funds.

The Gift of Hope for Christmas 2022

These are Dainere's wise and powerful words to inspire you this December.

"The lead up to Christmas is a busy time, a time where we sometimes forget the important things in life in the rush to shop and party. If we stop for a while, remember to smile, to be considerate, patient, tolerant , respectful and caring then we can make a person's day bright. If we can take the time to reach out to give to others rather than expecting to receive then our hearts are set alight with love, hope and joy" ~ Dainere Anthoney 1998-2013

We know there have been two difficult and uncertain years for so many, so please know that any small donation brings a mountain of hope for children diagnosed with a brain tumour.

Bringing Hope For Christmas

These are Dainere's wise and powerful words to inspire you this December.
"The lead up to Christmas is a busy time, a time where we sometimes forget the important things in life in the rush to shop and party. If we stop for a while, remember to smile, to be considerate, patient, tolerant , respectful and caring then we can make a persons day bright. If we can take the time to reach out to give to others rather than expecting to receive then our hearts are set alight with love, hope and joy" ~ Dainere Anthoney 1998-2013

We know it has been such a difficult and uncertain year for so many, so please know that any small donation brings a mountain of hope for children diagnosed with a brain tumour.

Many Voices Can Help To Create Change

Dainere continually opened her heart in the act of giving to others.
So our mission today is to 'give' to others, to give a knowledge of the disease that does not discriminate, the disease that takes the lives of young babies, children, teenagers, young adults, adults in the prime of their lives and older people.
By 'giving' a knowledge of brain cancer we hope that it will then have people sharing and talking about a disease that needs to receive an elevation of attention to create change.
1. When a child dies from brain cancer, each death means the loss of what should be their entire lifetime.
2. If a child survives brain cancer they face serious medical complications, secondary cancers, cognitive impairments, debilitating disabilities and shortened lifespans.
3. There are paediatric brain tumours, like DIPG that are terminal upon diagnosis. Recurrent Medulloblastoma has also long been considered universally fatal.
4. It can be difficult to treat paediatric brain cancer with chemotherapy drugs because the brain is protected by the blood brain barrier. This is a natural filter within the body. It only allows certain substances through from the blood to the brain tissues. So this limits the options of the type of chemotherapy that can be used or it means that the chemotherapy has to be delivered at shockingly high dose which cause devastating side effects.
Dainere gave so much to help others, we continue her inspirational legacy, she said that her little voice could only make a small difference but together many voices could create change.
Many voices are needed so that the facts presented above will indeed change.
We wish to express our heartfelt gratitude to those who are helping to shine a light out of the darkness by sharing, talking and giving knowledge to others about paediatric brain cancer and to those who donate or raise vital funds.

September is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month

Today is the first day of Childhood Cancer Awareness Month.
These are inspiring and selfless words shared by Dainere:
"In our lives we often underestimate the true power of a smile, a touch, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment and the act of just simply caring. These all have the potential to turn a life around; tomorrow and everyday take the time to reach out and change a life".
We would like to invite you to be part of working towards a more prominent and widespread Golden September 2022 for Childhood Cancer by continuing to elevate awareness about Childhood Cancer and especially brain cancer within the Community each and every day.
This is a very special project that Dainere requested and one that we hope will reach far and wide and beyond all expectations....... 'Pot of Gold' for Childhood Cancer.
At the end of every rainbow is a pot of gold and from today you can be a rainbow of hope in the lives of children diagnosed with cancer...... start saving gold coins and collect them in your 'Pot of Gold' all the way through until 30th September 2022.
We encourage you and would absolutely love you to share throughout the year to this page how your collection is going.
Your 'Pot of Gold' will go a very long way in working towards the most precious gift in this world.....the reality of a cure!

"I Don't Want Other Children To Have To Suffer As I Have" - Dainere Anthoney 1998-2013

Dainere was so selfless and passionate in her quest to elevate significant awareness of her disease, in fact just a month prior to her passing she was out in the Community advocating that her little voice could only make a small difference but many voices could create change.

So today we are sharing just a small portion of information that Dainere worked so tirelessly on to try to give the community knowledge of the disease that stole her young life and the lives of way too many other children and leaves any children that do survive with devastating side effects.

"My tumour is cancerous, it is called Medulloblastoma. Did you know that Medulloblastoma is the most common brain tumour of childhood, representing about 20% of all paediatric brain tumours.

They are most common in children between 4 and 10 and are slightly more common in boys than girls.

These tumours typically arise in the middle of the cerebellum, interfering with the flow of cerebrospinal fluid and causing hydrocephalus. Medulloblastoma is highly malignant and aggressive and can spread to other parts of the brain and spine through the cerebrospinal fluid.

Common symptoms of Medulloblastoma include:

Persistent or recurrent vomiting with or without nausea and most often in the morning after waking



Wobbly or gaited walk, poor balance and co-ordination

Difficulty with tasks like handwriting

Frequent flu like symptoms


Abnormal head position like a head tilt or stiff neck

Gradual decline in school performance (impaired attention)

Unusual sleepiness or change in energy level

Abnormal Eye movements, blurred or double vision

Loss of bowel or bladder control

Change in personality or behaviour

Unexplained weight loss or weight gain

Reduced consciousness

It is so important that people in our Community are aware of this disease, how totally horrific it is and what the symptoms are, please help me to make a difference for other children, I don't want any children in the future to have to suffer as I have. I thank you with all my heart"

Light Your Hearts and Bring Hope

This year is flying by, July already. We continue to face unprecedented and uncertain times. We thought sharing Dainere's words from the year she learnt her cancer had spread and all treatment options had been exhausted, her time was limited. We hope that her outlook may assist others.
Dainere's reflection on her year in 2012 and her hope for 2013 to make a difference.....
"This year I have also continued with what is so dear to my heart and my greatest wish and vision and that is to contribute through advocacy, awareness and fundraising to helping find improved treatment options and the reality of a cure for paediatric brain tumours.
I so passionately believe that no children in the future should have to suffer as myself and many others have with this absolutely, terrifying, painful, incurable, cruel, malicious and hideous disease.
Next year in the time I have remaining, I will continue to tirelessly and passionately work to significantly increase desperately required awareness and fundraising: using every breath, every heartbeat and every ounce of strength.
I hope that I can give knowledge and educate the Community, so that they feel inspired, determined and motivated to help me in my endeavor to bring hope and create change.
Every one talking about brain cancer and every dollar really does count and I know that it is so deeply appreciated by those doing the research. Helping others gives you a sense of worth, hope, courage, love and lights your heart."

Dainere's Angelversary 24th June 2023

Friday is a day of most unimaginable, deep heartache and loss for our family, for it was on Monday 24th June in 2013 that our most truly divine, precious, adored and beautiful Dainere had her young life cruelly stolen by brain cancer.
She inspired so many and we know that she left lasting footprints on so many hearts and lives and continues to do so every day.
We so love and miss our beautiful and beloved Dainere endlessly and so, so desperately wish she was still here with us.
Brain Tumours are such a horrid, cruel, vicious and insipid disease. Young children like Dainere, who so randomly are inflicted by this disease through no fault of their own don't deserve to have to suffer. Families should not have to face a second, a minute, a day, a week, a year, a life without their child or sibling. A cure must to be found for this disease. We will for an eternity work as tirelessly, selflessly, devotedly and passionately as Dainere did to one day see a cure found.
We would also like to honour and remember on this day all the children who too have lost their battles, those that continue to battle and those who will receive the devastating news of a brain tumour diagnosis in the future.
You can help us to continue Dainere's incredibly selfless and inspiring legacy to give hope and create change for others by doing any of the following:
1. Sharing Dainere's story and the work of Dainere's Rainbow with others to help us to elevate significant awareness in the Community and beyond.
2. Encourage family, friends and work colleagues to visit the Dainere's Rainbow website or like the Dainere's Rainbow Facebook or Instagram Page.
3. We know that during these continued unprecedented and difficult times, this is a massive ask, but if you are in a position to make a small donation of nine cents or $9 (a cent or dollar for each year since Dainere had her life stolen) it would be so humbly and sincerely appreciated as 100% of all that is donated or raised by Dainere's Rainbow goes directly to vital and desperately needed research projects and programs.

A Tribute From Dainere

This was written by Dainere as a tribute to her doctors who give everything they have to try to treat or in some cases cure children with cancer.ย  As brain cancer kills more children than any disease in Australia, the heartbreak the doctors must carry with them when they lose precious patients is unimaginable.ย  This is often what drives them to a lifetime commitment to finding better treatments with less side effects and the hope one day of a cure for all children's cancer.

My doctor is an extraordinary human being.
With a heart of gold and a touch of love,
he has been a guardian angel, always there for me.
His studies never seem to conclude as he seeks and searches.
Continually looking for superior and successful treatments
He always desires the very best of care for his patient.
Late hours and long days are his plight.
To meet the heavy demands that may fall in his path.
In my battle he has been my unsung hero giving me hope.
He has helped me to believe in brighter days.
Given me comfort and courage when I fall.
Heโ€™s taught me that the future belongs to those who dream.
Compassion, love and healing are his life.
He remains dedicated to each individual circumstance.
Constantly placing the welfare of others before his own.
He has traveled through the many storms with me.
His goal is to help me find that precious rainbow.
I am forever grateful to you, my magnificent doctor."
Written especially for you by Dainere Anthoney

Dainere's Selflessness

Just a few weeks before Dainere tragically lost her battle with her disease, she wrote this:
"This week I have mostly slept, I have not been able to attend school for normal lessons at all. I have done a little work from home though when I can manage to keep my weary eyes open.
On Tuesday however I was determined to go for a special presentation that had been planned from last Term. Jarrett, Nalani and I were doing a special presentation to Senior School on Brain Cancer.
We began with an introduction and then showed an exceptional movie that Jarrett had made on paediatric cancer and he also investigated my cancer as part of it. We then showed a power point containing important and startling facts about Brain Cancer, we even had music to accompany it to make it more effective.
Nalani read some passages from my first book, followed by some information about my treatment and side effects. We then spoke about the awareness and fundraising that I am so extremely passionate about.
Nalani reminded people that it is through raising awareness and funds that other cancers no longer have the high fatality rates they used to. She emphasised that if more awareness and funds are raised about Brain Cancer, then perhaps the same results could be achieved.
Jarrett and I also shared about our very special and meaningful City2Surf initiative which we hope to raise a phenomenal amount of funds and awareness through. Every dollar and every time someone talks to others about childhood brain cancer can make an enormous impact and difference.
I know that a cure will not be found in my lifetime, but I hoped that through the presentation that people would go out in the community and continue to raise awareness and funds so that one day my greatest wish of a cure being found will actually become a reality and no children will have to face the same battle, excruciating pain and suffering that I have".
Dainere was in excruciating pain despite being on morphine and other medications at this stage, she could not sit up very well, her speech was beginning to slur and she was terribly weak and fragile.
The fact that she found an inner strength to advocate to raise awareness on that day is a testimony to her courage, selflessness, tireless and passionate efforts to raise awareness and her desire to make a difference, this day she was truly inspiring.

The Beginning of our Brain Cancer Journey - 24th March 2009

The 24th of March......a date that will forever remain imprinted in our lives; a turbulent, devastating and life changing day.
On this particular day in 2009, after a visit to the paediatrician, then being rushed to the Canberra Hospital for an emergency MRI and to witness a sea of worried faces behind a glass screen. Then the serious and poignant words from the medical staffโ€ฆ..โ€we need to talkโ€โ€ฆโ€ฆ
We walked slowly, shakily, and anxiously down a long, long corridor and into a room, where three solemn and worried faces of the medical team ushered us in and beckoned us to sit. They all looked at each other and before speaking took a long, slow, deep breath.
Our attention was drawn to a round coffee table and on the middle of the table there was a single box of tissues, nothing else, just the tissue box.......this image has remained embedded so clearly in our minds, it remains so vivid even still today.
Then with empathy, we were informed that our most adored and beloved youngest daughter and sister had a brain tumour.
We did not know what type it was. All we were told was that it was life threatening, it was extremely large, it had deposited several metastasis spread to other areas in her brain and it was blocking the cerebrospinal fluid from flowing around her spinal cord and brain. It was not good and they urgently had to get her to Sydney or we could lose her that night.
On this day we stepped from a life filled with normal routines, happiness, hopes and dreams into the most unimaginable, terrifying nightmare that any family could experience.
It what was not only devastating, soul destroying and heartbreaking, it was in many ways so surreal, a total blur.
Dainere needed to get to Sydney Childrenโ€™s Hospital as soon as possible for emergency brain surgery............ Life would never, ever be the same again and we were thrown into a world that no family should ever be.
This day is also 3195 days since our most inspiring, courageous, selfless, sweet, precious loving, gentle and extraordinary Dainere lost her battle with this truly insidious, cruel and indiscriminate disease.

Since Dainere's diagnosis more children each year are being diagnosed with brain cancer and we have been told this is in line with population growth.
Also, tragically despite the devoted work of many researchers and families who do not want any other family to have to face the shear pain of losing a child to this disease there is still, every year in excess of an entire classroom of precious and innocent children that have their lives and futures stolen by what remains the number one disease killer of children in Australia. This is not well known, it is confronting, it is terrifying but it is something that needs people to raise their voices about in the Community.
Dainere worked so tirelessly, selflessly and devotedly to raise an awareness of childhood brain tumours. Her words of "My little voice can only make a small difference, but together many voices could create change" are a plea for many to unite together to take action, give hope and create change.
You each and every day can shine a rainbow of hope by adding your voice and help to be an advocate to elevate much needed awareness of childhood brain tumours within the Community; in memory of every single child that has battled, lost their life, continues to battle or who will be diagnosed in the future.

Giving - Many Voices Could Create Change

'Giving' - Dainere continually opened her heart in the act of giving to others.
So our mission today is to 'give' to others, to give a knowledge of the disease that does not discriminate, the disease that takes the lives of young babies, children, teenagers, young adults, adults in the prime of their lives and older people.
By 'giving' a knowledge of brain cancer we hope that it will then have people sharing and talking about a disease that needs to receive an elevation of attention to create change.
1. When a child dies from brain cancer, each death means the loss of what should be their entire lifetime.
2. If a child survives brain cancer they face serious medical complications, secondary cancers, cognitive impairments, debilitating disabilities and shortened lifespans.
3. There are paediatric brain tumours, like DIPG that are terminal upon diagnosis. Recurrent Medulloblastoma has long been considered universally fatal.
4. It can be difficult to treat paediatric brain cancer with chemotherapy drugs because the brain is protected by the blood brain barrier. This is a natural filter within the body. It only allows certain substances through from the blood to the brain tissues. So this limits the options of the type of chemotherapy that can be used or it means that the chemotherapy has to be delivered at shockingly high dose which cause devastating side effects.
Dainere gave so much to help others, we continue her inspirational legacy, she said that her little voice could only make a small difference but together many voices could create change.
Many voices are needed so that the facts presented above will indeed change.
We wish to express our heartfelt gratitude to those who are helping to shine a light out of the darkness by sharing, talking and giving knowledge to others about paediatric brain cancer and to those who donate or raise vital funds.

A New Year

As a New Year begins we wanted express our always heartfelt and humble gratitude to all those extraordinary people who have so kindly supported Dainere's Rainbow throughout the unprecedented and difficult year of 2021.
For 2022, we would like to let Dainere's always inspiring, beautiful and wise words to provide you with hope and inspiration.
"May the gift of love, the gift of peace and the gift of happiness not only live in your heart during the Festive Season but throughout the coming year. In the New Year may the good times and treasures of the present become the golden memories of tomorrow and may your year ahead sparkle with moments of love, laughter, contentment, joy, hope and goodwill towards others.
I believe with all my heart that everyone should go out and make the absolute most of every single day of their lives; because you don't know what is around the corner or how much time you have on this Earth, so please don't waste a single precious moment of it.
This year I have continued with what is so dear to my heart and my greatest dream and that is to contribute to helping finding a cure for paediatric brain tumours, I so passionately believe that no children in the future should have to suffer as myself and so many others have with this absolutely hideous and atrocious disease.
Be true to your dreams, and keep them alive, never let anyone try change your mind about what you feel you can achieve. Always and forever believe in yourself.
I know that tragically a cure for this most cruel and devastating disease will not be found in my lifetime and my time is rapidly running out. When I am no longer here I encourage and hope that many people will raise their voices in the community to significantly elevate desperately needed awareness of this truly painful, debilitating, lethal and cruel disease. Raising awareness is vital to then raising funds, which are so critically needed and then one day my greatest wish of greater awareness, new and improved treatment options, increased funding, no more children suffering and a cure will become a reality.
Look for me in rainbows shining in the sky, wish me to be near you and I'll be by your side."

This December Give the Gift of Hope

These are Dainere's wise and powerful words to inspire you this December.
"The lead up to Christmas is a busy time, a time where we sometimes forget the important things in life in the rush to shop and party. If we stop for a while, remember to smile, to be considerate, patient, tolerant , respectful and caring then we can make a persons day bright. If we can take the time to reach out to give to others rather than expecting to receive then our hearts are set alight with love, hope and joy" ~ Dainere Anthoney 1998-2013

We know it has been such a difficult and uncertain year for so many, so please know that any small donation brings a mountain of hope for children diagnosed with a brain tumour.

Bringing Hope

This year is flying by, November already. It has been a truly difficult, uncertain and unimaginable year for many. We thought sharing Dainere's words from the year she learnt her cancer had spread and all treatment options had been exhausted, her time was limited. We hope that her outlook may assist others.

Dainere's reflection on her year in 2012 and her hope for 2013 to make a difference.....

"This year I have also continued with what is so dear to my heart and my greatest wish and vision and that is to contribute through advocacy, awareness and fundraising to helping find improved treatment options and the reality of a cure for paediatric brain tumours.

I so passionately believe that no children in the future should have to suffer as myself and many others have with this absolutely, terrifying, painful, incurable, cruel, malicious and hideous disease.

Next year in the time I have remaining, I will continue to tirelessly and passionately work to significantly increase desperately required awareness and fundraising: using every breath, every heartbeat and every ounce of strength.

I hope that I can give knowledge and educate the Community, so that they feel inspired, determined and motivated to help me in my endeavor to bring hope and create change.

Every one talking about brain cancer and every dollar really does count and I know that it is so deeply appreciated by those doing the research. Helping others gives you a sense of worth, hope, courage, love and lights your heart."

Iโ€™ve chosen to raise much needed funds for Sydney Children's Hospitals Foundation

Sydney Children's Hospital, Randwick provides a safe and friendly healing environment for children from NSW and beyond.
The Hospital's expert medical staff care for more than 61,500 critically ill and injured children every year. Thank you for your support!

Thank you to my Supporters




Offline Fundraising 2023


2024 Dainere's Rainbow Decades Gala Dinner


Jarrett's Incredible 2024 City2surf Fundraising


City2surf 2022

Thanks to Jarrett, Mark and Nicole!


Myfirstgym Mitchell

Charity Day 23 June


Community Fundraising


Karen Anderson

Given with love for our two beautiful, brave and spirited children - Mitchell and Dainere


Karen Anderson & Family

Honouring our two beautiful children and the work that you do


Tricia Moore


Tricia Moore

Dainere and her family are an inspiration to us all. Let's keep up the fight!


Jerrabomberra Public School

Money raised from holding a Rainbow Day at school.


Leanne Kilduff


Leanne Kilduff


Leanne Kilduff


2024 City2surf - Diane Biaggini


Callum Woods


Hyperion 3 - Myfirstgym Mitchell

On behalf of My First Gym Mitchell


E And J Ingster

Given with lots of love xoxo


Kylie, Steve, Harrison, Jasmyn, Charlie, Hayden, Ashlee, Zali, Abby And Super Dog Roxy.

Beautiful Anthoney family, you are all extra amazing and it is an honour to be part of Dainere's Rainbow. Much love to you all. xxx



Jett Arentz


Noelle Pocknall

Happy Halloween from Noelle and Amy




Mel S Massage

September fundraising efforts to date 18/9/2022


Lex Anderson


2024 City2surf - Mark Scarborough



A special donation in lieu of the Canape Mingle and helping you to make a difference.


Laura - Arentz Cards


Phil Spedding Consulting Pty Ltd


Parkwood Landscapes


Canberra Metro Operations


Mels Massage

September donation 19th-30th


Pulp Book Cafe - Bec Larsen

So pleased to be able to support such an incredible cause through our in store donation tin. Together we can make a difference.


Bron Collins

From the staff at Black Mountain School and Campbell High School.


Patricia Arentz


Noelle And Amy

Happy Halloween (sorry it's so late)


Kylie, Steve And Family

Helping make a difference through our Garage Sale. So happy to support and bring hope. xoxoxoxoxo


Ellen Newhouse

In loving memory of my beautiful Grand daughter who should have been celebrating her 26th Birthday on 8th February 2024 on earth not in heaven.


Bron Collins

From the lovely Black Mountain School community who bought face masks.


Sutton Village Country Markets


Stephen Anthoney

Funds raised through Tennis ACT Girls Get Active Day, so special to be able to share Dainere's sporting endeavours, about Dainere's Rainbow, provide support and elevate crucial and significant awareness on the day.


Bill And Jenny Brodie

In Lieu of attending the Canape Mingle and thanking you for all you do for children with brain cancer.


Monique And Mark

In lieu of the cancelled Canape Mingle and in memory of Dainere xoxoxoxoxo


Laura L Martiniello


Arentz Card Sales


Maggie Coy

Thankyou for all the wonderful work you do!


2024 City2surf - Nicole Scarborough


Jerrabomberra Public School

Money raised from hosting a Rainbow day at school.


Monica Johns


Ellen Newhouse

In loving memory of my beautiful granddaughter whose birthday falls on 8 February.. Taken far too soon with incurable cancer. Always in my heart.


Margaret Wattam

I hope my little donation helps towards finding a cure for children's brain cancer. This is a very worth while cause. My prayers and best wishes to alI those affected by brain cancer.



I can still see young Dainere's face sitting around the table at mealtime at RMH each parent wondering what was going to be the fate of their child


Crystal, Peter, Braxton, Jett & Cruz Arentz

Anthoney family, Thinking of you on the 9 year anniversary of the loss of your beautiful girl, Dainere. Thank you for all that you do to elevate awareness for brain tumours in children. Sending much love.


Robert Gascoigne


Wayne, Carole And Heather Boreham

In memory of Dainere and in recognition of the wonderful work you do to help find a cure for children’s brain cancer.


David And Anne


Ellen Newhouse

For my beautiful Granddaughter Dainere who was taken far too young with brain tumour. Never forgotten always loved.


Gail Mcculloch

Remembering Sweet Pea on this 10 year anniversary. Loved beyond measure, always in my heart ๐ŸŒˆ๐Ÿ’—


Usha Naidu

Thank you for raising funds to find a cure for brain cancer.


Ellen Newhouse

In loving memory of my beautiful Granddaughter Dainere


Pulp Book Cafe

Funds Kindly Given From Collection Tin at Pulp Book Café. Helping to bring hope to children diagnosed with brain cancer and in memory of beautiful Dainere.


Bradley Apps

From my Christmas Lights Display, hope this helps to bring hope to children diagnosed with brain cancer.


Cbr Massage

Always happy to support Dainere's Rainbow, a cause close to our hearts.


Stephen Anthoney

From a collection box in my workplace to help make a difference and continue my beloved Dainere's inspiring and selfless legacy. Love you and miss you my little fairy xoxoxoxo


Rach & John

With love from The Plumber, His Missus & Her Brain Tumours xxx


Community Fundraising


Zaeem Khan


Aaron Hughes


Zachary, Annalise And Lily Rowswell


Alison Visser

In lieu of Good Friday appeal in memory of Dainere


Madeline Goland



Hitesh Rajput

Hi Yvonne, It was really nice to know about you and the great work you are doing. Just a small contribution , to be part in your journey. Thank you.


Babic Family


Sandie Moore



Thank you Dainere for your wisdom


Piumila Rupasinghe


Monica Johns


Adam And Zareen Coenraads

We came across your place during Xmas 2022, and your story so moved us we felt compelled to donate straight away. Thank you for sharing your daughters story with us (and our dog). We hope you have a Merry Christmas


Jenni And Jurek

We always like to support Dainere's Rainbow Jenni and Jurek


Helga Visser

Happy Birthday Dainere.


Catherine Brimage

our sincere apologies for missing event on 4 December.


Anna Hayes

It is a pleasure to Support Dainere's Rainbow.


Emma Ingster


Jennifer Cantlon


Bruce Humphries

From selling steel to help make a difference.


Kim Crosby

Jett Arentz




Merilyn Hancock


Threse Tranter

Worthy cause Dainere. Great masks for fundraising I love it.


Jasmine Sharma


Emma Calvert


Monica Scott

Happy birthday to a true angel


Mukesh Bharania


Monique, Mark, Annie

As we were unable to hold our Gala Dinner to raise funds this year.


Esther Kosi

Supporting Aran to scare Brain Cancer away xo


Alba Agius

From Christmas Craft and Coins to help make a difference.


Ellen Newhouse

Silver Coin Collection in memory of my precious Granddaughter, Dainere xoxoxoxo


Helga Visser

For your anniversary. Condolences to all. Let’s safe some children in your name.


Mrs Tammy Brown

Jett Arentz


Helga Visser

Happy Birthday to your beautiful spirit.


Robynn Munier


Grace Edwards


Jessica Eustace


Helga Visser


Kate Taylor

Amazing fundraising for an amazing cause :)


Helga Visser

Let progress be made in Dainere’s name.


Helga Visser



Sending lots of love xo


Corinne Hedditch

For Charlotte, as always... ๐Ÿ’ž๐Ÿฉท๐Ÿ’ž


Sutton Markets Stall

Cash funds raised from the Sutton Markets held on 13th October. Continuing Dainere's Legacy


Corinne Hedditch

Happy heavenly birthday Dainere, splendiferous soul! I hope you, Charlotte and Georgia and all the other beautiful angels are enjoying your celebration together! ๐Ÿฉท๐Ÿงก๐Ÿ’›๐Ÿ’š๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿฉต๐Ÿ’œ


Ellen Newhouse

Coins I saved to help Dainere's special cause.


The Reichelt Family

Always in our heart โค๏ธ


Helga Visser




Rebecca Minty

So sorry for the loss of your beautiful girl. Sending wishes to your family.




Megan Bunnik

From my first Gym Mitchell


Jennifer Hutchison


Madelyn Love


Deb Little

What wonderful work you do โค๏ธ


Letitia Hobday


Scott Cass-dunbar


Steph Boxall

thanks for the masks!


Danny Mayson-kinder

Happy birthday Dainere๐ŸŒป๐ŸŒป๐ŸŒป


Nat Gastineau


Corinne Hedditch



Bryan Parsons - Arentz Cards


Amanda Saunders


Helena Williams


Ninetta Mccauley


Jasmine Webb


Rhonda Miller

Good luck with your fundraising


Jarrett Anthoney

From my book Anthony Christmas Bear to bring hope and create change just as Dainere wished xoxo


Morgan Galbraith-hamilton


Corinne Hedditch

For all the children... โค๏ธ‍๐Ÿฉน


Lexi Hayward






Corinne Hedditch

For all the children... xox ๐Ÿฉท๐Ÿงก๐Ÿ’›๐Ÿ’š๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ’œโค๏ธ


Corinne Hedditch

๐Ÿ’ž For Charlotte, as always... ๐Ÿ’ž


Corinne Hedditch



Lisa Calder




Thank you for your wonderful lights and bringing smiles to people’s lives! Sending love to your family!


Ethan Cowie

Sending my love to this amazing cause x




Gemma T


Morgan Galbraith-hamilton


Lizabeth Lipscombe


Chelsea Williamson




Nicole Croker


Caitlin Horan


Danielle Harrison


Adam George


Tom Griffith


Jimmy Mackenzie

Thanks Bron Collins!


Andrea Kemp


Carrie Andersen

Carrie – Arentz Cards


Sylvia Mezei


Tomas Rodriguez Lovibond

Thanks for the lovely mask!


Clare Melvin


Corinne Hedditch

For my precious Charlotte... ๐Ÿ’ž


Sophie Cazabon


Beverly Clark






Corinne Hedditch

For Charlotte... ๐Ÿ’ž๐Ÿ’๐Ÿ’ž


Corinne Hedditch

For Charlotte, as always... ๐Ÿ’ž๐Ÿฉท๐Ÿ’ž


Corinne Hedditch

For my precious... ๐Ÿ’ž๐Ÿ’—๐Ÿ’ž


Lisa Calder




Kiahna Kosseck


Sarah Hubbard




Beverly Clark





For all the children, but especially my Charlotte... ๐Ÿฉท๐Ÿงก๐Ÿ’›๐Ÿ’š๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿฉต๐Ÿ’œ


Grace Guthrie


Corinne Hedditch

For Charlotte... ๐Ÿ’— ๐Ÿฉต ๐Ÿ’—

