An exciting new step for the future of kids’ health
Sydney Children’s Hospitals Foundation has recently launched a new brand.
The new brand represents a significant and exciting new chapter in our story, as we continue to evolve and adapt to provide for sick kids, no matter where, no matter what.
There are many elements to the new brand - some are about how we look and what we sound like, while others focus on what we believe in and how we behave.
As you will see, there have been some big changes, but our mission remains the same. We’re here to fight for the health and wellbeing of all kids, in an ever changing world.
Our new logo
The new SCHF logo consists of four unique elements, each one representing an important part of our story.
The heart represents giving and the incredible contributions made by our donor community. It’s also the inspiration for the hand-heart gesture you see being made in the photos of our supporters aka the Movement of Many.
This little smiling face stands for all the kids we have helped over the years, and will help in the future.
The badge is a mark that represents the Movement of Many - our passionate army of faithful supporters.
Speech bubble
The speech bubble is about action - the ability of the Foundation to action change on behalf of donors and kids with expertise, knowledge, agency and care.
Meet the Movement of Many

As part of the new Sydney Children’s Hospitals Foundation brand, we have brought together our incredible community of donors, supporters and friends under one new united banner called the Movement of Many.
If you are a donor, or you’ve donated, supported or gotten involved with the Sydney Children’s Hospitals Foundation, you are a member of the Movement of Many.
There are 70,000 members in the movement, a number growing every day. They are the thinkers, doers, planners and creators, the helping hands and the guiding lights that make the Foundation what it is.
Learn about our new brand
Why did Sydney Children’s Hospitals Foundation rebrand?
Up until a few years ago, Sydney Children’s Hospitals Foundation was composed of standalone fundraising teams raising money for individual paediatric hospitals and services across Sydney and NSW. One team raised money for Sydney Children’s Hospital, Randwick, another team raised money for The Children’s Hospital at Westmead, and so on.
However, after listening to our donor community and looking back at where we had the biggest successes, it became clear that we had greater impact when we were working as one single team, raising money for all the different entities and services together.
With this change came an exciting opportunity to evolve our brand to meet the demands of this new holistic approach.

How does the rebrand help sick kids?
In 2018, Sydney Children’s Hospitals Foundation expanded our remit to raise funds to support the children and their families receiving services, treatment or other care managed by the Sydney Children’s Hospitals Network.
While we have been delivering on this promise for the last 35 years, it is vital that we remain responsive to changes, both within kids healthcare and the fundraising space as a whole.
The new brand is about making sure we clearly communicate who we are and what we stand for so that we can amplify our presence, extend our reach and raise as much money as we can for kids' health.
This money is used to fund new equipment, training and education, groundbreaking research, building state-of-the-art facilities and more, helping over 170,000 kids each year across NSW and benefitting countless more for generations to come.

What does this mean for those who donate to the Foundation?
While the new brand has given us a new look and feel, our mission remains the same, we’re here to fight for the health and wellbeing of all kids, in an ever changing world.
Those who have joined us on that mission by being a part of our incredible donor community will remain by our side as we fight together for the health and wellbeing of all kids, no matter where, no matter what.
This new brand is about creating closer connections between Sydney Children’s Hospitals Foundation and our donor community. That’s why we founded the Movement of Many, to give a collective voice to our different donors and supporters and better represent them in our story.
By creating new and innovative ways to connect with our donors, our aim is to better understand their motivations and the role they want to play in the fight for kids’ health and wellbeing, so we better represent them in the work we do.

What if I want to keep supporting in the way I always have?
For those who have donated to SCHF in the past, thank you so much for your support and for joining us on this new journey. Those donors that have a personal connection to a cause and want to keep on directing their support to a specific entity or service within the Sydney Children’s Hospitals Network can certainly still do so by indicating their preference when they donate.